New website P&D Expat Care!
These are strange and for some even frightening times in which we live. Where we normally would be busy setting up appointments and making plans, the world now seems to have come to a standstill.
The Corona outbreak affects us all; directly or indirectly, personal and / or business wise. Fortunately, we also see how flexible our society is and that new creative initiatives are emerging.
As P&D Expat Care we are always busy in the spring with preparing for our peak season; the summer!
Although we still look forward to this period now , it will not be an ordinary summer, but we are going for it; on to better times!
Meanwhile we have not been idle; we can even say that have been very busy! Busy developing a new website!
Through our new website we offer our services for HR employees engaged in hiring international employees for their organization. The quality remains, which our loyal customers are accustomed to, but we now also provide services in an adapted form, more appropriate to this time.
What goes on in our office !?
We took the opportunity to review and re-describe all of our services. This has proven to be very valuable! We have been able to tailor our services even better. We therefore would like to invite you to have a look at our website. And the best news is that you can also meet us.
We have done the whole process of redesigning this website and its content together, which turned out to be an intensive but rewarding project.
It's great to have been able to work on this together as a P&D Expat Care team.
In this blog we will update you regularly. We are happy to help you with any question you might have in the field of Relocation, both now in these difficult times, but certainly also in the future, when the situation will be better for all of us.
Stay tuned, stay healthy !